After-Shoot…Two Years Later

A few years ago, I was honored to be a part of two of my best friends wedding. It was so special to have been able to see them grow first as friends and into this loving couple who you just knew were meant to be together. You know how you sometimes have obvious “parents” in a group of friends? They took this to a new level - they were definitely the “grandparents” of our little framily and the rest of us loved them dearly for it. Anyways, I’m getting off track.

Not only was I lucky enough to be in their wedding party, but they also decided that Branson, MO was the perfect middle meeting place for their families and that Stonegate was the perfect place to start their lives together! I was so excited. I get to work with brides every weekend and love getting to know each and every one of them (to the point where I’m occasionally included in the misty-eyed when the bride & groom see each other for the first time down the aisle). But it is definitely something special to be able to experience all of the wedding planning process with your freshman roommate!

Stonegate Wedding Chapel - Melanie & Noah

This blog post could actually have an alternate title of, “What To Do When Sickness Infiltrates Your Wedding Day.” Unfortunately, the week before Melanie & Noah’s wedding, there was a horrendous flu that went around the dorms at our school. Noah was one of the many unfortunate to come down with it and was sick all the way up to the day of the wedding! There were also other members of the wedding party & family that ended up with this horrible bug. It was a less than ideal situation, but Melanie & Noah pushed through and were still able to have a beautiful December wedding day! However, they were not able to get as many pictures as they would have liked due to several of the subjects greenish tints.

Fast forward two and a half years later to this August and a quick weekend visit from Melanie & Noah. We decided it would be fun to do a little “after-shoot” at Stonegate and recreate a couple of their wedding photos. We had such a blast getting together and taking these photos! I was once again honored to be a part of something so special. Thank you Mel & Noah for letting me capture these sweet moments!


Subtly Fall


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